Elisa Ambrogio (Magik Markers) Part 1
Elisa Ambrogio joins CWD to talk about the Magik Markers new album, living in a small town, ketchup on hotdogs, solo touring and her dad telling her the music of Tiffany was crap. Ms. Ambrogio is funny, engaging and a blast of a conversation.
Opening Song, "You Can Find Me," from the new Magik Markers album 2020.
But the album 2020 at: https://www.dragcity.com/products/twentytwenty
Magik Markers Bandcamp: https://magikmarkers.bandcamp.com/
Elisa Ambrogio Bandcamp: https://elisaambrogio.bandcamp.com/
Magik Markers twitter @tweethassle
Elisa Ambrogio Instagram: @invisiblemotor
All things Matt Dwyer: https://linktr.ee/All_Things_Dwyer
CWMD is Produced, recorded and edited by Matt Dwyer
Consulting Producer: Dustin Marshall