Kassie Carlson (Guerilla Toss)

Kassie Carlson of Guerilla Toss brings her charm and humor to CWD to talk about fun at the city dump, our fucked up healthcare system, growing up poor on Cape Cod, hitchhiking as a teen and their new album Famously Alive out March 25, 2022 on Sub Pop Records.

Opening song, "Famously Alive," from the Guerilla Toss album Famously Alive

Guerilla Toss BANDCAMP

Guerilla Toss Website

Kassie's Radio Show

Guerilla Toss Instagram

Websites by Kelly R. Dwyer

Matt Dwyer Podcast Consulting

All Things Matt Dwyer

All Things Dwyer 

Conversations With Dwyer is Produced, Edited and Hosted by Matt Dwyer

Consulting Producer: Dustin Marshall

musiciansKelly Dwyer